Gilbert's Arena

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Around the Web

Tons of great stuff on the web today, so let’s get right to it:

> I’m sick of sports writers jumping all over LeBron for not always taking the last shot. He’s NOT going to take a bad shot. He’s NOT going to shoot a 25-foot fade away with 2-men in his face when he has a teammate open for a better shot. So get over it! In last night’s case, he got double-teamed at the top of the key, and Varejao looked wide open for an easy dunk. Gilbert just came out of nowhere and made a tremendous defensive play. The irony is that the same instinct that earns LeBron all the praise, the desire to get the best possible shot for his team, is the same instinct that people then turn on him for at the end of games. He’s always going to get the best possible shot for his team on every possession, whether it’s his own shot or a dunk for Anderson Varejao.

> Tom Knott shoots from the hip, and as always, it really cracks me up. Today, Lebron is a “wimp”, who “walked around in a snit, making all sorts of ugly faces” and looked “as if he was ready to burst into tears”. Oh, and the Cleveland crowd is “addle-brained”. Tom Knott, you are the man.

> Maybe after he finished whining last night, LeBron went to his favorite amusement park to ride the tea pots?

> Michael Wilbon loved the physical play on LeBron last night, and he compares it to the Jordan Rules that MJ struggled with for so long against the Pistons. The Charles Oakley quote is especially amusing.

> Mike Wise gives credit to Eddie Jordan for the Zards’ feistiness last night.

> Yaysports was none too happy last night, declaring a 7:00pm bedtime for all Cavs fans. The doctored Nike “Witnesses” ad made me laugh out loud too.

> Cavs fans are telling themselves its okay, because they only lost by 5 despite the fact that LeBron was horrible, and that LeBron can’t possibly play that badly again. However, Bud Shaw in the Cleveland Plain Dealer points out that the Cavs also can’t possibly see “Drew Gooden’s best impersonation of Bill Walton at the Final Four” again.

> Cavaliers Corner: “We are all witnesses… that LeBron is indeed human.” Also, apparently Mike Brown adamantly defended LeBron’s pass to Varejao. He takes the blame on his own shoulders, since he directed the team to get a quick high-percentage bucket.

> This link will only work if you have an ESPN Insider subscription, but Chad Ford shows that he has clearly never watched a Wizards game when he describes Antonio Daniels as a “disappointing replacement for Larry Hughes”. Thanks for mailing it in, Chad. How’s Hawaii treating you? He also says that the Wizards have needs at Combo guard (uh… what?) and Center, and suggests Patrick O’Bryant, Hilton Armstrong, and Josh Boone as possible options at the 5-spot. I wouldn’t mind O’Bryant at #18, but he’ll probably go in the lottery do to the dearth of Centers in this draft. I don’t want anything to do with Boone or Armstrong. If we’re gonna draft a big man, I want someone who fits our offense. I want a high-post 5 who can hit the 15-foot jumper (think Brad Miller in Sacramento). The Princeton Offense is a beautiful thing to watch when you have a 5 who can draw the opposing 5 away from the rim to open up the blocks for cutters (and for guards like Caron Butler who have post-up skills). The only guy like that who should be available when we pick is Kevin Pittsnogle, but his lack of rebounding for a guy that size concerns me.


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